Be in control with Flexible Portfolios
With Flexible Portfolios, you can pick the asset classes you want, decide their exact allocations, and change them any time.

We’re licensed by the Securities Commission Malaysia (Licence eCMSL/A0352/2018)

Build a portfolio from 70+ asset classes
We’ve curated the best ETFs that represent more than 70 different asset classes ranging from S&P 500 and Emerging Markets to Healthcare, Blockchain, and more. We’ve done the research so you don’t have to.
See the full list of assets here.
Build a portfolio from scratch or customise a portfolio from 4 templates
Want to get a quick start to customising your own portfolios? Choose from 4 professionally-curated portfolios, and adjust them as you see fit.
Risk-focused template
Provides globally-diversified exposure aligned to your risk preference.
Great for: building the foundation of your wealth
Passive Income template
Provides exposure to assets that can give regular payouts.
Great for: building a passive income stream
World Index Tracking template
Provides exposure to global markets.
Great for: diversifying across geographies and industries
USD Cash Yield
Provides exposure to short-duration US government bonds with maturities between 1–3 months.
Great for: protecting against inflation
Reinvest or cash out your dividends with all Flexible Portfolios
Reinvest your dividends and get the most out of your compounded returns over the long term. Or, create a passive income stream by cashing out your dividends. You can cash out your dividends when your portfolio generates a minimum of RM25 in dividend payouts per month.
Customising is easier than ever
- Easy to customise
- No minimum balance or lock-in
- ETFs curated by experts
- Tweak it whenever you want
- No limit to changes

How it works

We believe you should know the risk you’re taking on
Risk Level:
Begin your investment journey
Start investing from as little as you want.

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Frequently Asked Questions
How does StashAway manage my Flexible Portfolio?
We manage your portfolio by always maintaining your asset allocations according to the proportions you set. We’ll also notify you if there are any major changes to your Flexible Portfolio’s Risk Level. This means we won’t re-optimise your Flexible Portfolios on your behalf when market conditions change.
How many Flexible Portfolios can I create?
It's really up to you! You can create as many Flexible Portfolios as you want depending on your needs and preferences.
Can I edit my Flexible Portfolio after it has been created and funded?
Yes, you can.
What is the minimum allocation per asset class within a Flexible Portfolio?
3% is the minimum.
How many asset classes do I need to have in a portfolio?
Whether you want a portfolio with a single asset class or up to 33, the choice is yours.
What are the fees involved in creating a Flexible Portfolio?
Our annual management fee for Flexible Portfolios ranges between 0.2% and 0.8%. There's no minimum investment amount and no subscription fees, switching fees, nor rebalancing fees. Learn more about our pricing here.