Responsible Investing with ESG

Now, you can invest for profit and purpose in diversified, ESG-focused portfolio.

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Responsible Investing with ESG
Responsible Investing with ESG

Responsible Investing (ESG)

About this portfolio

  • Keeps risk constant while optimising for returns
  • Expect long-term outperformance, and occasional deviation from how the markets are doing in order to keep your risk level constant

Number of underlying funds

  • 7-13

Average expense ratio

  • 0.2% p.a.

Impact you can measure

We use industry leading ESG scoring models to screen the underlying funds for the Responsible Investing portfolio. Based on an average of the scoring models, the Responsible Investing portfolios have high ESG scores.
Based on an average of the two scoring models, the Responsible Investing portfolios have high ESG scores.
Ranging from
3.82 - 4.13
out of a score of 5
Img Long term wealth

Long-term wealth, long-term impact

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. It refers to the impact of a company’s operations relating to sustainability, diversity, representation, corporate governance, and community.

Companies with high ESG ratings are proving to generate strong long-term returns while also creating meaningful impact on society and the environment.

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General Investing Powered by BlackRock®
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General Investing Powered by StashAway
Keeps your risk constant while optimising for long-term returns.

Portfolio Type

Risk level


Lower Risk

Higher risk



Annualised since Inception


This is how a $100,000 deposit would have grown over time

Projected returns are for illustration purposes only. We calculate these returns before fees. All returns are in MYR terms unless otherwise specified. The inception date for portfolios with SRI 6.5%, 8%, 10%, 12%, 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 22%, 26%, 30%, and 36% is 19 January 2022. Past performance is not a guarantee for future returns. Before investing, investors should carefully consider investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses, and if need be, seek independent professional advice. Our investment framework's goal isn't to beat the markets every day. In fact, depending on how much risk you decide to take, you'll likely still experience short-term volatility at times. But, through those bumps, your StashAway portfolios can recover more quickly compared to investments with the same risk level that don't maximise returns. The end result? The opportunity for less painful drawdowns in the short term, and stronger performance in the medium to long term.

Our same-risk benchmarks are proxied by MSCI AC World Index (for equities) and FTSE World Government Bond Index (for bonds). The benchmarks we use have the same 10-years realised volatility as our portfolios.

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Frequently Asked Questions

StashAway uses two leading ESG scoring models to screen the portfolios’ underlying funds: the MSCI ESG rating, which consists of 7 rating categories; and the Morningstar Sustainability Rating, which consists of 5 rating categories. Based on an average of the two scoring models, the Responsible Investing portfolios have high ESG scores, ranging between 3.82 and 4.13 out of a score of 5.

Your returns are not compromised when you invest in our ESG-optimised Responsible Investing Portfolio. They are similar to our classic General Investing Portfolios, which optimise for returns, but do so using ESG aligned principles. This makes them ideal for building your core wealth, or for working towards long-term financial goals such as saving for retirement. 

Global momentum has been huge for socially responsible investing recently, with assets estimated to reach US$53 trillion by 2025, a third of global AUM, according to Bloomberg. This is not only because investors have become more socially-conscious, but also because some companies with strong ESG ratings may do better in the long run by staying committed to the ‘triple bottom line’, which takes into account not just profit, but also people and the planet.

The Responsible Investing Portfolio and the General Investing Portfolio are globally diversified and optimised for long-term returns. Both portfolios have been designed to be suitable for building your core wealth or for long-term financial goals such as saving for retirement.

Compared to the General Investing Portfolio, Responsible Investing is considered more socially or ethically responsible, with a focus on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. It filters for companies that promote better diversity, governance, sustainability, and community.

Responsible Investing is an ESG-optimised (Environmental, Social, and Governance) portfolio. When you invest in this portfolio, you are supporting a broad range of companies that make a positive social and environmental impact on society, and consider factors such as sustainability, diversity, inclusion, transparency, and community as part of their business operations. In other words, it is industry-agnostic. Through this portfolio, you have the option to build your core wealth with ESG aligned principles. 

In contrast, Environment and Cleantech focuses on the environment industry specifically. It is a thematic portfolio that invests in innovative low-carbon technologies and sustainable solutions to fight climate change, such as solar energy. The companies in this portfolio have business operations that are directly relevant to clean energy, green growth, clean water, and sustainable waste management. As with our other Thematic Portfolios, Environment and Cleantech provides an option to diversify your investments.

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